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Marisa L. Balch

Updated: December 3rd, 2023 | Fresno | Lawyer List M | Wanger Jones Helsley PC | Civil Litigation, Commercial Litigation,

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Address: 265 E. River Park Circle, Suite 310, fresno, CA, 93720-1553
Law Firm: Wanger Jones Helsley PC
Phone: 559-233-4800
Fax: 559-233-9330
Website: http://www.wjhattorneys.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Commercial Litigation
DescriptionLeavey Scholar.
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Wanger Jones Helsley PC

Attorneys at LawAt Wanger Jones Helsley PC, we bring excellence and expertise to the practice of law. We also bring to every case something just as important: passion. We’re still excited about the law, yet experienced enough to provide sound representation. Big enough to represent some of America’s best known companies, yet small enough to provide individual attention and significant savings from our Central California office. Aggressive…

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