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Giulio Sanchez

Updated: April 13th, 2022 | Fresno | Lawyer List G | Wanger Jones Helsley PC | Business Litigation, Employment Litigation,

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Address: 265 E. River Park Circle, Suite 310, fresno, CA, 93720-1553
Law Firm: Wanger Jones Helsley PC
Phone: 559-233-4800
Fax: 559-233-9330
Website: http://www.wjhattorneys.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Employment Litigation
DescriptionGiulio Sanchez joined Wanger Jones Helsley as an associate in 2017. His practice focuses on business and employment litigation.Mr. Sanchez earned his law degree from the University of Southern California Gould School of Law in 2017, where he served as Executive Submissions Editor of the Review or Law and Social Justice and Vice President of the Latino Law Student Association. He also served as judicial extern to the Honorable Christina A. Snyder of the United States District Court for the Central District of California. Mr. Sanchez received a B.A. in political science, magna cum laude, with minors in history and criminal justice from California State University, Los Angeles in 2014. Mr. Sanchez is fluent in Spanish.
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