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Tanner Bouchie

Updated: November 26th, 2020 | Vincennes | Lawyer List T | Hart Bell LLC | Appellate Practice, Business Law, General Practice, Litigation,

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Address: 513 Main Street, vincennes, IN, 47591
Law Firm: Hart Bell LLC
Phone: 888-874-9045
Fax: 812-882-5186
Website: http://www.hartbell.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAppellate Practice, Business Law, Litigation, General Practice
DescriptionTanner is passionate about helping clients find solutions for their legal needs. He has extensive litigation experience in the areas of family law and criminal law. He is licensed to practice in Indiana.Tanner is a native of Knox County. After graduating from South Knox High School, he earned an undergraduate degree from Indiana University Kelley School of Business in Bloomington, majoring in Economic Consulting and Public Policy Analysis. He received his J.D. from the Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington.Prior to joining Hart Bell, LLC Tanner was a local office attorney for the Indiana Department of Child Services.PersonalTanner is a member of Wheatland Christian Church and is involved with Old Town Players community theater. He is a member of the Indiana Bar Association. He currently serves on the Knox County Board of Health.
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Hart Bell LLC

Hart Bell LLC has maintained a continuous practice in Knox County for well over 100 years. Our former partners include two Justices on the Indiana Supreme Court, a President of the Indiana State Bar Association, a President of the State Board of Law Examiners, and a Mayor of Vincennes. We are proud of our firm’s continuing contributions to the legal profession and our extended community. A full service law firm, we provide the broad spectrum o…

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