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Jeffery Scott Neal

Updated: August 27th, 2020 | Vincennes | Lawyer List J | Hart Bell LLC |

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Address: 513 Main Street, vincennes, IN, 47591
Law Firm: Hart Bell LLC
Phone: 888-874-9045
Fax: 812-882-5186
Website: http://www.hartbell.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Criminal Defense, Divorce, Child Custody, Visitation, Guardianship, Adoption, Civil Litigation, Restraining Orders, DUI/DWI, Felonies, Misdemeanors, Parole and Probation, Annulment, Paternity, Post Divorce Modification
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa.
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Hart Bell LLC

Hart Bell LLC has maintained a continuous practice in Knox County for well over 100 years. Our former partners include two Justices on the Indiana Supreme Court, a President of the Indiana State Bar Association, a President of the State Board of Law Examiners, and a Mayor of Vincennes. We are proud of our firm’s continuing contributions to the legal profession and our extended community. A full service law firm, we provide the broad spectrum o…

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