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Stephen B. Mitchell

Updated: July 28th, 2020 | Salt Lake City | Lawyer List S | Burbidge | Mitchell | Banking Law, Commercial Law, Real Estate Law, Securities, Trial Practice,

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Address: 215 S. State Street, Suite 920, salt-lake-city, UT, 84111
Law Firm: Burbidge | Mitchell
Phone: 801-413-7276
Fax: 801-355-2341
Website: http://www.burbidgemitchell.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTrial Practice, Commercial Law, Banking Law, Real Estate Law, Securities
DescriptionMember, Law Review, University of Utah College of Law, 1971-1972.
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Burbidge | Mitchell

Since 1976, the skilled trial lawyers at Burbidge | Mitchell in Salt Lake City, Utah, have consistently won major verdicts for our clients. Our attorneys are well-respected by judges, juries, opposing counsel and clients.Since 1976, our experienced trial lawyers have won major verdicts for our clients. Burbidge | Mitchell has a stellar track record including a history of multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements on behalf of our cl…

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