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Matthew Haus

Updated: September 2nd, 2020 | Bozeman | Lawyer List M | Tarlow Stonecipher Weamer & Kelly PLLC | Civil Litigation, Real Estate Law,

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Address: 1705 West College Street, bozeman, MT, 59715-4913
Law Firm: Tarlow Stonecipher Weamer & Kelly, PLLC
Phone: 406-551-4781
Fax: 406-586-9720
Website: http://www.lawmt.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Real Estate Law
DescriptionIn his litigation practice, Matt has represented plaintiffs and defendants in civil litigation, arbitration, and alternative dispute resolution. He has experience litigating cases in each practice area, including construction, business and commercial, real estate, and employment law. Matt’s construction practice includes representing owners, contractors, and subcontractors. He has assisted clients with transactional work, including the drafting and negotiation of construction contracts. Matt also has experience litigating construction disputes involving construction defects, construction liens, bond and surety issues, prompt payment claims, and design defects. In his business and commercial practice, Matt has experience with assisting clients with business formation, employee policies and procedures manuals, and drafting and negotiating business transactions. Matt has experience with a variety of business transactions, such as software agreements, vendor contracts, employment contracts, consulting agreements, and professional services agreements. Matt is licensed to practice law in state and federal courts in Montana and Minnesota. Matt graduated magna cum laude from the University of Minnesota Law School following receipt of his undergraduate degree from University of California San Diego.
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Tarlow Stonecipher Weamer & Kelly PLLC

Broad civil practice with concentrations in construction law, civil litigation, business and corporate law.Founded in 1997, the firm of Tarlow Stonecipher Weamer Kelly, PLLC has provided representation to local, regional and national clients. Located in Bozeman, the home of Montana State University. The firm includes lawyers with active law licenses in Fort Peck Tribal Court, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming and Co…

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