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Leopold Raic

Updated: September 7th, 2021 | New York City | Lawyer List L | Akin Law Group PLLC | Employment Discrimination, Sexual Harassment,

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Address: 45 Broadway, Suite 1420, new-york, NY, 10006
Law Firm: Akin Law Group, PLLC
Phone: 888-859-8537
Fax: 212-825-1440
Website: http://www.akinlaws.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeSexual Harassment, Employment Discrimination
DescriptionLeopold Raic, an associate at Akin Law Group, represents victims of sexual harassment, employment discrimination, hostile work environment, overtime and minimum wage violations, FMLA (family medical leave act) violations, as well as discrimination based on race, religious, color, creed, national origin, age, disability and sexual orientation. Mr. Raic is also well versed in the field of personal injury, representing victims of motor vehicle and slip/trip and fall accidents.Before gaining employment with the Akin Law Group, Mr. Raic had amassed a vast amount of experience in the field of personal injury, working for staff counsel at GEICO Insurance Company for 12 years. Mr. Raic then left the field of Insurance Defense to focus on representing the injured parties of motor vehicle and slip/trip and fall accidents all across the many counties of New York State.Mr. Raic is an attorney in good standing with an unblemished record, duly admitted to practice law in the State of New York since 2001. Mr. Raic (an attorney with an excellent record for over 15 years) is devoted to representing the victims of Sexual Harassment, Employment Discrimination (discrimination based on sex, race, religions, color, creed, national origin, age disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation) and those forced to work in a Hostile Work Environment in addition to those individuals that have been illegally paid an hourly salary below the minim-wage and those that have been denied overtime pay despite working in excess of 40 hours per week.Mr. Raic is a litigator who is a fierce advocate of his clients, representing individuals in all the Courts of the State of New York, including the Federal Courts, the New York State Supreme Court and the New York Court of Claims.
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Akin Law Group PLLC

The Akin Law Group represents victims of Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment, Employment Discrimination, (pregnancy, race, religion, etc.), FMLA, EEOC, FLSA (Wage & Hour) and Prevailing Wage claims in New York and New Jersey.NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY SEXUAL HARASSMENT, HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT AND EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION ATTORNEYSIn New York and New Jersey, it is unlawful for a manager, supervisor, an employer or bu…

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