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David M. Samel

Updated: February 12th, 2021 | New York City | Lawyer List D | Jeffrey Samel & Partners | Appellate Practice,

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Address: 150 Broadway, 20th Floor, new-york, NY, 10038
Law Firm: Jeffrey Samel & Partners
Phone: 212-587-9690
Fax: 212-587-9673
Website: http://www.jeffreysamel.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAppellate Practice
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Jeffrey Samel & Partners

Since the inception of the firm in 1983, JEFFREY SAMEL & PARTNERS has been successfully defending clients against personal injury lawsuits. Our professional staff is comprised of highly skilled trial attorneys, appellate counsel, and attorneys who apply their expertise in managing, monitoring, and coordinating the efficient handling of litigation files to a successful conclusion. Since Jeffrey Samel founded the firm, it has grown and prospered du…

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