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Victor Salvatore Broccoli

Updated: September 5th, 2020 | Edison | Lawyer List V | Epstein Ostrove LLC |

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Address: 200 Metroplex Drive, Suite 304, edison, NJ, 08817
Law Firm: Epstein Ostrove, LLC
Phone: 732-828-8600
Website: http://www.epsteinostrove.com

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Epstein Ostrove LLC

EPSTEIN OSTROVE, LLC HAS A WINNING RECORDSERVING ALL OF NEW JERSEY AND NEW YORK CITYThe lawyers of EPSTEIN OSTROVE, LLC are all litigators and trial lawyers. They excel in assisting in any case from personal injury cases such as car accidents, slip and falls and medical malpractice, family law cases such as child neglect cases, child support and divorce matters, to complex commercial litigation, such as business disputes, contract dis…

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