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Troy Nickolas Pudik

Updated: July 24th, 2020 | Peoria | Lawyer List T | Elias Meginnes & Seghetti P.C. | Corporate Law, Real Estate Law,

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Address: 416 Main Street, Suite 1400, peoria, IL, 61602-1611
Law Firm: Elias, Meginnes & Seghetti, P.C.
Phone: (309) 637-6000
Fax: (309) 637-8514
Website: http://www.emrslaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCorporate Law, Real Estate Law
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Elias Meginnes & Seghetti P.C.

The law firm of Elias, Meginnes & Seghetti, P.C., located in Peoria, Illinois, was established in 1996. There are ten attorneys in the firm, providing a broad range of legal services to individuals and business clients throughout Illinois. The firm is a full service law firm, representing and advising clients in the areas of banking and finance law, business and commercial law, business organizations, employment law – employer, environmental l…

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