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Stephen Potts

Updated: July 27th, 2020 | Addison | Lawyer List S | Potts Law Group |

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Address: 15455 Dallas Parkway, Suite 540, addison, TX, 75001
Law Firm: Potts Law Group
Phone: 214-373-0404
Fax: 214-987-1772
Website: http://pottslawgroup.com

TitlePresident, Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Law, Corporate Law, Mergers, Contracts, Business Formation, Commercial Real Estate
DescriptionPhi Eta Sigma. Phi Alpha Delta. Member, The Texas Center for Legal Ethics and Professionalism.
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Potts Law Group

Creatively representing business owners and real estate professionals for 44 years.Creatively representing business owners and real estate professionals in Texas and nationally for over 40 years. Our law firm plans, negotiates and documents all types of business transactions, from formation to dissolution. Our firm also plans, negotiates and documents all types of commercial real estate transactions, from acquisition, t…

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