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Shana D. Velez

Updated: August 9th, 2020 | Denver | Lawyer List S | Progressive Family Law |

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Address: 1638 Pennsylvania Street, denver, CO, 80203
Law Firm: Progressive Family Law
Phone: 720-779-0131
Fax: 720-634-1018
Website: https://www.progressivefamilylaw.com

TitleSenior Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeImmigration Law, Family Law, Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce, Premarital Agreements, Spousal Support, Visitation Rights, Paternity
DescriptionShana is a Colorado native and the daughter of Danish and Peruvian immigrants. She has been practicing law for 15 years and has a wealth of experience in family law, criminal defense and immigration law. In all of her positions, Shana has dedicated herself to serving the immigrant community. Because the large majority of her clients are immigrants, Shana is keenly aware of how family and criminal law may have serious repercussions for her non-citizen clients. Shana is dedicated to protecting parents’ rights to raise their children and throughout times of difficult family transition is capable of resolving even the most challenging aspects of divorce, particularly child custody. In addition to representing parents whose children were taken from them by the state, she served as an advocate for children as a guardian ad litem. She handled numerous cases involving families with mixed immigration status and is attuned to the nuances involved in those cases.She went to law school in Arizona but decided to return home in 2012. Shana has advocated for numerous families from different cultures. Her family law experience goes back to when she began her career as a Legal Aid lawyer when she represented members of the Navajo Nation in divorce, protection order, custody and child support matters. Later in her career, she contracted with the Mexican Consulate in Phoenix to provide advice in family law matters to Mexican Nationals referred by the Consulate.Shana also represented many immigrants who were swept up in Joe Arpaio’s infamous workplace raids and accused of identity theft; she also successfully defended clients who were charged with conspiracy to smuggle themselves into the United States. In both of those instances she ensured that the resolution of those charges had minimal impact on her clients’ immigration status. Shana is fluent in Spanish, having been raised in a bilingual home and also having studied abroad in Quito, Ecuador and Chiapas, Mexico. She was born and raised in the Denver area. In her spare time, she enjoys playing with her two daughters and their Australian cattle dog, Pickles.
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Progressive Family Law

Colorado’s Highest Rated Family Law Firm. We Fight For Fairness & Win. Call Today & Let Us Help You 720-529-8326.PFL is a different kind of family law firm. We provide comprehensive representation for all problems a family might face.For years we have achieved outstanding results for clients in traditional family law litigation, such as divorce and child custody. But we also represent clients in much more difficult areas…

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