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Samuel K. Hodgdon

Updated: December 1st, 2020 | Plymouth | Lawyer List S | Kecskes Gadd & Parker P.C. | Business Law, Construction Law, Real Estate Law,

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Address: 621 S. Main Street, plymouth, MI, 48170
Law Firm: Kecskes, Gadd & Parker, P.C.
Phone: 734-335-4261
Fax: 734.354.8800
Website: http://www.kgplawyers.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate Law, Construction Law, Business Law
DescriptionSamuel K. Hodgdon is a graduate of The University of Michigan (BA 1972) and The University of Michigan Law School (JD 1976). Sam has been admitted to practice in the State of Michigan and the State of Florida and in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, the U.S. Sixth Circuit of Appeals, and the U.S. Tax Court. Sam has been in private practice since 1977 and focuses his practice on real estate law, including real estate development, community association law, construction law, and business law. Sam joined Kecskes, Silver & Gadd, P.C. in 2008 and became Of Counsel to the firm in 2015. He is an active member of the State Bar of Michigan (Master Lawyers Section) and the Florida Bar.
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At KGP Law we strive to simplify the complex. We are a full service law firm located in Southeast MI. For over 15 years, we’ve provided unmatched integrity and highly experienced attorneys to a wide variety of clients. Call Us Today.KGP Law is a general practice law firm that has the resources to handle a wide variety of cases to include Criminal, Family, Personal Injury, Business and Employment Law concerns. We also…

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