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Jong Lee

Updated: July 12th, 2023 | Stamford | Lawyer List J | Ohlandt Greeley Ruggiero & Perle LLP |

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Address: One Landmark Square, 10th Floor, stamford, CT, 06901-2682
Law Firm: Ohlandt, Greeley, Ruggiero & Perle, LLP
Phone: 203-327-4500
Fax: 203-327-6401
Website: http://www.ogrp.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionMr. Lee has over 25 years of patent law experience, and his current practice focuses on patent portfolio management, application preparation, prosecution and opinions. Mr. Lee has extensive experience in a broad range of technologies including computer hardware/software, wireless communication, data security, autonomous driving technology, 3D imaging, voice recognition, semiconductors, medical devices and optical systems. Mr. Lee has done extensive prosecution and opinion work for major U.S. and European companies in the fields of computer system architecture, business software and wireless communication, as well as having done extensive work for major German auto/component manufacturers. Mr. Lee has also worked with several Asian companies in the fields of semiconductors and optical systems. In addition, Mr. Lee has assisted startups in patent portfolio development and management. Prior to joining OGRP, Mr. Lee practiced patent law for 21 years at Kenyon & Kenyon, an intellectual property boutique, in New York. Mr. Lee began his career with Brumbaugh, Graves, Donohue & Raymond in New York, where he focused his practice on litigation and patent prosecution. Mr. Lee is fluent in Korean, and has a reading knowledge of German.
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Ohlandt Greeley Ruggiero & Perle LLP

A Highly Rated Law Firm.Ohlandt Greeley Ruggiero & Perle LLP is a diverse intellectual property law firm with the expertise to meet the varied and changing needs of a growing U.S. and international client base. Our practice encompasses copyright, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets and the related field of advertising, marketing and public relation matters, including agency & talent negotiations, as well as advertising claims substanti…

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