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Charles N. J. Ruggiero

Updated: August 7th, 2020 | Stamford | Lawyer List C | Ohlandt Greeley Ruggiero & Perle LLP | Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property,

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Address: One Landmark Square, 10th Floor, stamford, CT, 06901-2682
Law Firm: Ohlandt, Greeley, Ruggiero & Perle, LLP
Phone: (203) 327-4500 ext- 117
Fax: 203-327-6401
Website: http://www.ogrp.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePharmaceutical Intellectual Property
DescriptionMember, John Marshall Law Review, 1973-1975. Gavel Society. Instructor, Patent Bar Review Course, Practicing Law Institute, 1985-1999.
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Ohlandt Greeley Ruggiero & Perle LLP

A Highly Rated Law Firm.Ohlandt Greeley Ruggiero & Perle LLP is a diverse intellectual property law firm with the expertise to meet the varied and changing needs of a growing U.S. and international client base. Our practice encompasses copyright, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets and the related field of advertising, marketing and public relation matters, including agency & talent negotiations, as well as advertising claims substanti…

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