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James E. Morris

Updated: August 25th, 2021 | Rochester | Lawyer List J | Morris & Morris Attorneys | Estates, Mediation,

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Address: 120 Corporate Woods, Suite 240, rochester, NY, 14623
Law Firm: Morris & Morris Attorneys
Phone: 585-292-5757 ext- 2
Fax: 585-292-5793
Website: http://www.morrisandmorrisattorneys.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstates, Mediation
DescriptionMorris and Morris awarded Tier 1 ‘Best Law Firms’ honors – Best Lawyers 2013 Edition; James Morris awarded Tier 1 Mediation honors – Best Lawyers 2012 Edition. Fellow of the American College of Civil Trial Mediators, 2002. Magistrate of the Year, New York State Magistrates Association. Lead Author: Village, Town and District Courts in New York Practice Guide, West Publishing Company, 1995; Annual Updates, 1996. Author: Victim Aftershock, 1983; You Can Win Big in Small Claims Court, 1981. Program Chair, ‘How to Evaluate and Settle a Personal Injury Claim,’ Monroe County Bar Association Litigation Section; ‘Settlement Techniques in Personal Liability Cases,’ Monroe County Bar Association. Lecturer, ‘The Winning Solution,’ Alternative Dispute Resolution Seminar, Phillips, Lytle, Hitchcock, Blaine & Huber LLP, Buffalo, New York. Adjunct Professor, Monroe Community College Rochester, New York. Formerly with Brighton, New York Town Justice, 1972-2005. Acting City Court Judge, appointed by District Administrative Supreme Court Justice, Rochester, New York, 1977. Senior Faculty, New York State Office of Court Administration. Member, The American Society of Writers on Legal Subjects. Past President and Past Director of Education and Training, New York State Magistrates Association. Founder, Panel of Peers Youth Jury Program. Member, Criminal Procedure Law Advisory Committee, Unified Court System. Past President, Monroe County Magistrates Association. Assistant District Attorney, Town Courts in Monroe County.
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Morris & Morris Attorneys

A legacy of excellence for three generations.Our firm has long been associated with quality, professional legal service provided in a personal way. We’re particularly proud of the fact that our clients are the greatest source of our referrals, and that we have helped two, three and even four generations of families with their legal needs. We trace our beginnings to 1900 when Charles E. Bostwick, a prominent Rochester atto…

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