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Frank Trief

Updated: November 25th, 2023 | New York City | Lawyer List F | Greenstein & Milbauer LLP | Negligence, Personal Injury Law,

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Address: 1825 Park Avenue, new-york, NY, 10035
Law Firm: Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP
Phone: 866-920-2630
Website: http://www.greensteinmilbauer.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeNegligence, Personal Injury Law
DescriptionA 1992 graduate from the Quinnipiac University School of Law, Frank Trief has practiced exclusively in the field of personal injury law for over 20 years. He has handled countless motor vehicle accident cases, premises liability cases, wrongful death, labor law cases (construction site accidents), medical malpractice cases, and truck, motorcycle, bus, subway and other types of public transportation accidents.Mr. Trief is a highly skilled and accomplished case negotiator with outstanding case management skills. His compassion for his clients and responsiveness regarding their questions and concerns, has earned him the deepest trust and respect from not only his clients, but his colleagues at the bar as well.He is a member of the New York State Bar (1994), District of Columbia Bar (1994), and Connecticut Bar (1993). He also belongs to the New York State Bar Association, New York City Bar Association, and Fairfield County Bar Association.Mr. Trief received his undergraduate degree, with a major in Journalism, from New York University.
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Don’t Be A Victim Twice! Call 1800-VICTIM2With the knowledge and confidence that comes with a successful track record, our NYC personal injury lawyers can help you seek financial compensation for any injuries associated with a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, nursing home abuse incident, medical malpractice incident, construction accident, premises liability accident, fatal accident, and more.Working diligently on your b…

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