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David A. Nicoll

Updated: September 10th, 2020 | Peoria | Lawyer List D | Westervelt Johnson Nicoll & Keller LLC |

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Address: 411 Hamilton Boulevard, Suite 1400, peoria, IL, 61602
Law Firm: Westervelt, Johnson, Nicoll & Keller, LLC
Phone: 309-671-3550
Fax: 309-671-3588
Website: http://www.wjnklaw.com

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Westervelt Johnson Nicoll & Keller LLC

The oldest firm in Peoria with more than 50 years experience, still committed to seeing that justice is done.We believe you can’t be on both sides of the fence. So you’ll find us defending management rather than the union. And you’ll often find us arguing the unpopular (albeit socially responsible) side of public issues. Justice is our goal. Our loyalty to and from our clients speaks for itself. Some of our clients have been with us fo…

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