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Darrel B. Carter

Updated: August 2nd, 2020 | Bellevue | Lawyer List D | CBG Law Group PLLC | Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Chapter 13, Bankruptcy Chapter 7, Tax Law,

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Address: 11400 S.E. 8th Street, Suite 235, bellevue, WA, 98004
Law Firm: CBG Law Group PLLC
Phone: 425-223-4870; Toll Free: 800-419-9519
Fax: 425-283-5560
Website: http://www.cbglawgroup.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy, Tax Law, Bankruptcy Chapter 13, Bankruptcy Chapter 7
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CBG Law Group PLLC

Get immediate relief from creditors! Eastside Premier Bankruptcy & Tax Experts: Bus & PersonalOur firm was founded with the goal of providing clients with the personal service they need during these difficult times. In fact, for almost a decade, we have followed our mission statement that an experienced attorney will always handle your case. We stay in close contact with our clients throughout the process of helping them extinguish their…

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