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Anne E. Penix

Updated: August 21st, 2020 | Saddle River | Lawyer List A | Lewis DiBiasi Zaita & Higgins | Commercial Litigation, Construction Law,

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Address: 82 East Allendale Road, Suite 6, saddle-river, NJ, 07458
Law Firm: Lewis DiBiasi Zaita & Higgins
Phone: (201) 934-9800
Fax: 201-934-8681
Website: http://www.ldzhlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeConstruction Law, Commercial Litigation
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Lewis DiBiasi Zaita & Higgins

FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS, LEWIS DIBIASI ZAITA & HIGGINS has pledged to perform first class work for its clients with a ‘user-friendly’ staff and agenda. And for over thirty years, clients’ objectives have been met consistently, translating into highly innovative and successful results.The firm has maintained a small, tightly woven group of strongly motivated professionals working in a team-oriented environment with the ability to react qui…

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