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Vernon L. Jarboe

Updated: October 11th, 2020 | Topeka | Lawyer List V | Sloan Eisenbarth Glassman McEntire & Jarboe L.L.C. | Real Property Law,

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Address: 534 S. Kansas Avenue, Suite 1000, topeka, KS, 66603
Law Firm: Sloan, Eisenbarth, Glassman, McEntire & Jarboe, L.L.C.
Phone: 785-251-8036
Fax: 785-357-0152
Website: http://www.sloanlawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Property Law
DescriptionAdjunct Professor, Business Law and Real Estate, Washburn University of Topeka School of Business, 1983-2000. City Attorney to City of Topeka, 1989-1994; General Counsel to Kansas Department of Revenue, 1994-1995.
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Sloan Eisenbarth Glassman McEntire & Jarboe L.L.C.

Serving Kansas Since 1930Originally formed as Sloan, Hamilton & Sloan in 1930, Sloan Law Firm has served as a partner in the lives of individuals, families and businesses throughout the Midwest for more than 80 years. Over the years, the firm has grown and adapted, becoming Sloan, Listrom, Eisenbarth, Sloan & Glassman, L.L.C., in 1969 and changing to the present name of Sloan, Eisenbarth, Glassman, McEntire & Jarboe, L.L.C., in 2004. B…

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