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Thomas E. Lamm

Updated: February 24th, 2023 | Greenville | Lawyer List T | Ricci Law Firm P.A. |

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Address: 2221 Stantonsburg Road, greenville, NC, 27834
Law Firm: Ricci Law Firm, P.A.
Phone: 252-375-8808
Fax: 252-752-1016
Website: https://www.riccilawnc.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionThomas dedicates his practice to those who have been injured on the job, and to those who have been hurt due to a car accident or other circumstances. Thomas aggressively represents clients across the state of North Carolina.Thomas grew up in Bertie County, North Carolina as a pastor’s son. Thomas has also lived in other parts across the state as well. His experience and upbringing makes him uniquely qualified to understand the needs of those in his community. Thomas understands that needing an attorney just to get what you are entitled to can be a scary and frustrating experience. That’s why it is his goal to ensure that each and every client receives individualized and unique attention. His goal is to be accessible and responsive to his clients’ needs. Thomas is driven by a pursuit of justice and fairness for his clients. He will fight aggressively and powerfully to get his clients what they deserve. Prior to joining the Ricci Law Firm, Thomas worked for insurance companies and employers in workers’ compensation litigation. That experience has prepared Thomas to fight hard and fight smart to ensure that his clients’ interests are protected.Thomas graduated from Campbell University School of Law, cum laude, and served as the Symposium Editor for the Campbell Law Review. He won the Richard Lord Moot Court competition and served as the President of the Delta Theta Phi law fraternity while attending law school. While in law school, Thomas had the opportunity to intern in workers’ compensation, corporate law, and Social Security Disability. Prior to attending law school, Thomas was a financial analyst in corporate finance.Thomas is very involved in the legal community. He currently serves as an advisory board member to the North Carolina State Bar. Thomas was invited to participate in the North Carolina Bar Association’s inaugural Public Service Academy in 2017, and is active in other activities within the profession. Thomas has served as a mentor for students interested in becoming attorneys and remains heavily involved in volunteering for North Carolina DECA, an organization that prepares high school students for the real world of business.
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Put Decades of Experience in Your Corner! Our dedicated team of attorneys is personally committed to advocating for compensation on behalf of you and your family members. Always a Free Consultation.With nearly 60 years of combined experience, our determined and experienced Greenville injury and workers’ compensation lawyers can fight passionately for compensation on your behalf. As someone who has suffered an unexpected, catastrophic i…

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