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Sean P. Riley

Updated: October 16th, 2020 | San Mateo | Lawyer List S | Fox Shjeflo & Babu LLP | Civil Litigation, General Practice, Insurance Defense, Real Estate Litigation,

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Address: 2000 Alameda de Las Pulgas, Suite 250, san-mateo, CA, 94403-1271
Law Firm: Fox, Shjeflo & Babu LLP
Phone: 650-513-8921
Fax: 650-341-2258
Website: http://www.fox-shjeflo.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeInsurance Defense, General Practice, Civil Litigation, Real Estate Litigation
DescriptionMember, American University Law Review.
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Fox Shjeflo & Babu LLP

For more than 35 years, our attorneys at Fox, Shjeflo & Babu LLP have provided quality legal counsel to people regarding estate planning and those involved in probate litigation, business and real estate transactions, civil litigation, employment disputes and bankruptcy. Throughout these complex and stressful tasks, our experienced lawyers provide effective and responsive service to clients from San Mateo County, the Silicon Valley, the San Franc…

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