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Richard A. Williams

Updated: January 13th, 2021 | Anadarko | Lawyer List R | Pain Garland and Hobbs LLP | Civil, Probate, Real Estate,

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Address: 111 S.W. Second Street, anadarko, OK, 73005-3401
Law Firm: Pain Garland and Hobbs, LLP
Phone: 405-247-3365
Fax: 405-247-7177

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil, Real Estate, Probate
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi (Learned Hand Chapter, 1974-1976).
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Pain Garland and Hobbs LLP

The firm was originally founded by Oris L. Barney in the early 1930’s. Leslie Pain joined the firm as a partner in the mid 1950’s. Pain and Garland continue to serve clients throughout western Oklahoma that were represented for years by Oris L. Barney.

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