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Randall Rosenberg

Updated: September 16th, 2023 | Honolulu | Lawyer List R | Rosenberg McKay Hoffman | Commercial Law, Insurance Defense, Labor and Employment, Premises Liability, Products Liability,

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Address: 737 Bishop Street, 2350 Mauka Tower, honolulu, HI, 96813
Law Firm: Rosenberg McKay Hoffman
Phone: 808-450-3400
Fax: 808-533-0434
Website: http://rmlawhawaii.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Law, Labor and Employment, Products Liability, Insurance Defense, Premises Liability
DescriptionEditor, Law Review, 1987-1988. Author: case note, Wolsk v. State, A Limitation of Governmental Liability. Jury and bench trial experience in the State of Hawaii First Circuit and United States District Court. In addition to Hawaii courts, disputes in the above areas prosecuted before the courts of California, Territory of Guam, Territory of American Samoa and Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands. Appeared and argued before the Hawaii Supreme Court, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Supreme Court of Guam and the District Court of Guam, Appellate Division. Alternative dispute resolution experience as counsel as well as party-selected and court-appointed arbitrator. Former Partner, Garcia Garcia & Rosenberg, Honolulu, Hawaii. Former Associate, Reinwald O’Connor & Playdon, Honolulu, Hawaii. Varsity, intercollegiate soccer while at University of Oregon. Part-time musician (electric bass) with rock and roll music band ‘The King Pins.’
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Rosenberg McKay Hoffman

Hawaii Personal Injury Lawyers Whether you have come to Hawaii on business or pleasure, as a member of the military, or have lived here all your life, if you have been injured in a personal injury accident due to the negligence of another, you deserve to be compensated for your damages, and the attorneys at the Honolulu law firm of Rosenberg McKay Hoffman have the knowledge and experience to help you with your Hawaii personal injury claim. …

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