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R. Brent Blackstock

Updated: August 13th, 2021 | Tulsa | Lawyer List R | Brent Blackstock PLC | Bankruptcy, Business Law, Oil and Gas Law, Taxation,

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Address: 401 South Boston Ave, Suite 500, tulsa, OK, 74103
Law Firm: Brent Blackstock PLC
Phone: 918-304-6436
Website: http://www.brentblackstock.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeOil and Gas Law, Bankruptcy, Taxation, Business Law
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi (Vice President, 1980-1981).Chairman of the Civil Justice Reform Act Committee for the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Oklahoma.
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Brent Blackstock PLC

Oil and Gas Energy LawFor over twenty-five years, we have provided legal services to businesses and individuals in Oklahoma and surrounding states. We handle a wide variety of matters with an emphasis on oil and gas exploration and production.

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