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Michael Beinert

Updated: November 30th, 2020 | Arden Hills | Lawyer List M | Burke & Thomas PLLP | Plaintiffs Personal Injury,

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Address: 3900 Northwoods Drive, Suite 200, arden-hills, MN, 55112
Law Firm: Burke & Thomas, PLLP
Phone: 651-998-4201
Fax: 651-490-1872
Website: http://www.burkeandthomas.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePlaintiffs Personal Injury
DescriptionMike focuses his practice on representing individuals in personal injury and insurance claims, focusing almost exclusively on plaintiff’s cases.Mike received his J.D. from Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, and his Bachelor of Arts degree from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. Prior to joining Burke & Thomas, he worked for two litigation firms in the Twin Cities.Outside of work, Mike enjoys fishing and other outdoor sports.
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Burke & Thomas PLLP

In 1996, attorneys John M. Burke and Richard J. Thomas founded Burke & Thomas, PLLP, on the principles of honesty, integrity and exceptional service. Since then, the firm has grown to include six highly experienced lawyers and a staff of legal assistants. After 15 years, our commitment to providing straightforward legal advice and quality representation continues to be as strong as ever. We assist clients with personal injury claims, profes…

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