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Mert F. Buckley

Updated: September 3rd, 2020 | Wichita | Lawyer List M | Adams Jones Law Firm P.A. | Commercial Law, Real Estate,

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Address: 1635 N. Waterfront Parkway, Suite 200, wichita, KS, 67206-6623
Law Firm: Adams Jones Law Firm, P.A.
Phone: 316-462-9617
Fax: 316-265-9719
Website: http://www.adamsjones.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Commercial Law
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. Listed in: Best Lawyers in America; Chambers USA, Real Estate; Super Lawyers, Top 100 Kansas/Missouri. Issue Editor, Washburn University Law Journal, 1976-1977. Co-Author: Kansas Real Estate Handbook (Mortgages; Mechanics Liens). President, Wichita Bar Association, 1994-1995.
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Adams Jones Law Firm P.A.

Wichita General Practice Law FirmAdams Jones Law Firm, P.A. was founded in 1939 by Mark H. Adams and Charles E. Jones and has provided legal services in Wichita and Kansas for over 75 years.Top Ranking in Real Estate by Chambers USA. Listed in Best Lawyers in America. The firm publishes annual summaries of changes in Kansas real estate law and employment law which include case law and legislation and authors the Kansas chapter…

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