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Mark J. Grai

Updated: August 30th, 2020 | Memphis | Lawyer List M | The Winchester Law Firm | Business Litigation, Business Transactions, Probate Administration, Probate Litigation,

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Address: 6060 Poplar Avenue, memphis, TN, 38119
Law Firm: The Winchester Law Firm
Phone: 901-685-9222
Fax: 901-685-9260
Website: http://winchesterlawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeProbate Administration, Probate Litigation, Business Transactions, Business Litigation
DescriptionAlpha Chi; Phi Kappa Phi; Beta Gamma Sigma. Recipient: Corpus Juris Secundum Awards, 1985, 1986; American Jurisprudence Awards for Estate Planning, Agency and Partnership, Contracts I, Decedents Estates, Constitutional Law, Torts I, Procedure II, Torts II and Contracts II; Herbert Herff Law Scholarship, 1984-1985, 1985-1986. Associate Editor, University of Memphis Law Review, 1985-1986. Author: ‘Civil Procedure – Service of Summons and Complaint under State Law Subsequent to Attempted Services Under Rule 4(c)(2)(C)(ii),’ University of Memphis Law Review, Volume 14, No. 4, pg. 565. Adjunct Professor of Law, Cecil C. Humphrey School of Law, University of Memphis, 1987-1989.
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The Winchester Law Firm

The Winchester Law Firm is a partnership which was founded in 1907 by the father of the firm’s present senior partner. Many of the firm’s clients are successful, closely held businesses and their owners who require a broad spectrum of business related legal services. In addition, the firm’s civil litigation practice ranges from an individual with a tort claim to financial and brokerage institutions who need to be defended in a lawsuit to general…

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