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John R. McCravy

Updated: August 12th, 2020 | Saluda | Lawyer List J | McCravy Newlon and Sturkie Law Firm P.A. |

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Address: 101 E. Church Street, saluda, SC, 29138
Law Firm: McCravy Newlon and Sturkie Law Firm, P.A.
Phone: 864-803-5160
Fax: 864-803-5172
Website: https://www.mccravylaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Social Security Disability, Product Liability, Medical Malpractice, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Wrongful Death
DescriptionLaw Clerk, South Carolina Attorney General, 1983-1984. Law Clerk, U.S. Attorney, 1985. Author: ‘New Guidance on Surviving the Daubert Challenge to Treating Physician Opinions,’ S.C. Trial Bulletin, 1999; ‘Treating Physician Testimony after Westberry,’ S.C. Lawyer Magazine, 1999; ‘Handling Pulmonary Workers Compensation Cases,’ South Carolina Trial Bulletin, 1997; ‘Appeals,’ Section, South Carolina Jurisprudence, 1987; ‘Legal Pad,’ Weekly Newspaper Column, Index-Journal, 1988 . Instructor: Criminal Law and Constitutional Law, Piedmont Technical College, Greenwood, South Carolina, 1988-1989; Legal Secretaries Course, Lander University, 1987. City Attorney, City of Greenwood, South Carolina, 1995 . Staff Attorney, South Carolina Supreme Court, 1985-1987. Member, South Carolina Board of Grievance and Discipline, 8th Judicial Circuit, 1991-1996. School Board Chairman, Greenwood Christian School, 2000 . First President, Greater Greenwood United Ministries, 1995-1997.
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McCravy Newlon and Sturkie Law Firm P.A.

Rest assured, we will provide you with the compassion and care you deserve. Our practice is built on a foundation of strong biblical principles and we have attorneys with the experience and devotion you need to settle your case.Our personal injury law firm has been settling and trying cases successfully since its beginning in1995. Our areas of practice include Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability, Wrongful De…

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