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James A. Scieszka

Updated: December 30th, 2020 | Birmingham | Lawyer List J | Goodwin and Scieszka | Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Products Liability, Social Security,

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Address: 999 Haynes, Suite 385, birmingham, MI, 48009
Law Firm: Goodwin and Scieszka
Phone: 248-644-4529
Fax: 248-258-2837
Website: http://www.1888goodwin.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Social Security, Products Liability
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Goodwin and Scieszka

Call us at 1-888-GoodwinResults. Period. Scott Goodwin and Jim Scieszka has been investigating and winning cases for 25 years-We have been named Michigan super lawyers for the last six years, Scott Goodwin was named lawyer of the year in 2004 and is the Vice President of the Michigan Association for Justice, and Dbusiness has named them Top Lawyers for the last three years. You don’t collect awards and accolades for 25 years by sitting…

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