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Harold Gurewitz

Updated: October 21st, 2020 | Detroit | Lawyer List H | Gurewitz and Raben PLC |

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Address: 333 West Fort Street, Suite 1400, detroit, MI, 48226
Law Firm: Gurewitz and Raben, PLC
Phone: 313-628-4733
Fax: 313-628-4701
Website: http://www.detroitcriminaldefenders.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Defense, Appellate Practice, Child Sexual Abuse, Criminal Law, Felonies, Drug Crimes, Fraud, Complex Litigation, Defense Litigation, Trial Practice, White Collar Crime, Misdemeanors, Parole and Probation, Sex Crimes, Sexual Assault, Weapons Charges, Homicide
DescriptionMember, Moot Court. Recipient: U.S. Attorney General Award, 1978; Warrior of Justice Award, Legal Aid & Defender Association, 2011; Gilman Award for Outstanding Criminal Practitioners, Federal Bar Association, 1998; Award of Excellence, Legal Aid & Defender Association, 2011. Member, Editorial Review Board, Corporate Criminal Liability Reporter, 1986-1988. Assistant U.S. Attorney and Chief, Economic Crime Unit, Eastern District of Michigan, 1973-1981. Attorney-Advisor, U.S. Department HUD, 1971-1973. Board Member, Legal Aid and Defender Association. Chairman, Legal Committee, Detroit Casino Study Commission, 1988. Member: City of Detroit, Board of Ethics, 1988; Editorial Advisory Board, Federal Criminal Rules and Practice, James Publishing. Commissioner: Detroit Board of Water Commissioners; Detroit Board of Police Commissioners, 1989-1993.
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Gurewitz and Raben PLC

Criminal law attorneys in Detroit at the law office of Gurewitz and Raben, PLC represent clients in a variety of criminal cases including DUI, drug crimes, and juvenile law.

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