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David K. Herzog

Updated: October 17th, 2020 | Indianapolis | Lawyer List D | Hoover Hull Turner LLP | Litigation,

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Address: 111 Monument Circle, Suite 4400, indianapolis, IN, 46204-5100
Law Firm: Hoover Hull Turner LLP
Phone: (317) 822-4000
Fax: 317-822-0234
Website: http://www.hooverhullturner.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa; Order of the Coif. Member, Vanderbilt Law Review. Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, Conseco, Inc., September, 2000-February, 2003. Managing Partner, Baker & Daniels, Indianapolis Office, January, 1998-August, 2000.
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Hoover Hull Turner LLP

A firm devoted to the representation of clients in all forms of business, professional liability, employment and tort litigation. The firm provides litigation services in the areas of complex commercial disputes, class actions, fiduciary, director and officer liability, ERISA and employment disputes, reinsurance and insurance coverage, professional liability, construction disputes and torts. Attorneys will represent clients in state and federal t…

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