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David B. McLean

Updated: October 17th, 2020 | Greensboro | Lawyer List D | David B. McLean PLLC | Estate Planning, Guardianship,

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Address: 1100 Revolution Mill Drive, Studio 2, greensboro, NC, 27405
Law Firm: David B. McLean, PLLC
Phone: 336-355-7689
Fax: 336-333-3078
Website: http://www.mclean-elderlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Guardianship
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David B. McLean PLLC

David has been practicing in the areas of Elder Law, Medicaid, Guardianship, Probate and Estate Planning since 1999.SERVICES ESTATE PLANNING is preparation for the future, where you may state how your estate should be distributed following your passing: Last Will and TestamentTrusts-Revocable and Irrevocable ADVANCE DIRECTIVES are documents that nominate agents to handle your personal, medical and financial affairs during you…

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