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Clay P. Farrar

Updated: August 11th, 2020 | Hot Springs | Lawyer List C | Farrar & Williams PLLC | Estate Planning, Probate, Trusts and Estates,

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Address: 135 Section Line Road, C-2, hot-springs, AR, 71913
Law Firm: Farrar & Williams, PLLC
Phone: 501-651-0945
Fax: 501-525-4274
Website: http://www.farrarwilliams.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeProbate, Trusts and Estates, Estate Planning
DescriptionCo-Author: ‘The Contaminated Trust or Estate: Environmental Considerations for the Fiduciary,’ The Arkansas Lawyer, Jan., 1991. Lecturer, Probate Law, Arkansas State Bar Association Practice Skills Seminar, 1981-1986. Recipient, Best Speaker Award, Arkansas Bar Association, ‘Funding the Living Trust,’ Seminar 1993-1997.
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Farrar & Williams PLLC

Farrar & Williams, PLLC is a Hot Springs, Arkansas based law firm practicing estate planning, wills, trusts, and other areas of elder law. We are committed to helping you plan for the future.Farrar & Williams, PLLC is a Hot Springs, Arkansas based law firm practicing estate planning, wills, trusts, and other areas of elder law. We are committed to helping you plan for the future and strive to build a level of trust with each client th…

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